Diablo 2 hybrid barbarian build
Diablo 2 hybrid barbarian build

Tactical Challenging Shout gives you 40% damage reduction, boosts your health, and generates Fury based on damage you take, while Strategic Rallying Cry gives you 10% increased movement and Fortify, plus additional Fortify when you take damage. Now, for survivability there are a range of shouts to add damage reduction and movement to the build. The two-handed axe upgrade gives you 15% increased damage against vulnerable enemies, which fits very well with the build above, while the two-handed sword that you'll be using deals 20% of direct damage as bleed, and 30% increased bleed damage for five seconds after you kill an enemy. The reason you should use a two-handed sword for your bleed build is because of the Barbarian's Arsenal upgrades. To top this off, you'll want the Gushing Wounds ability that increases bleed damage by 100% based on your crit chance and damage. The first slows enemies you bleed, the second gives increased crit chance against slowed enemies, and the third increases crit chance if you're using a two-handed weapon, which since this is a bleed build, you should be.

diablo 2 hybrid barbarian build

The Hamstring, No Mercy, and Heavy Handed passives also work very well together to enhance crits through bleed. To maximise this, you'll want the Pressure Point passive, giving your Rend up to a 30% chance of making enemies vulnerable, and Cut to the Bone, which means your bleeds deal extra damage against vulnerable enemies.

diablo 2 hybrid barbarian build diablo 2 hybrid barbarian build

What makes this variant of Rend strong is that it grants you four Fury for every enemy you hit, letting you use the attack more, but it also extends the duration of vulnerable applied to enemies. This attack deals decent damage but also applies 20% of its damage as bleed, letting you farm up Fury to use Furious Rend. You won't have Death Blow unlocked initially, though, so I recommend Battle Lunging Strike.

Diablo 2 hybrid barbarian build